How did the athletic results affirm or implicate nationalist themes for the home audience?

The professor’s instructions are not very clear, but the idea is to write about the 2024 Olympics, and the country I was given is Serbia. The class is about nationalism and how nations use these events to demonstrate their national identity. The prompts are below. The athletics piece Whether you intend to lavish most of your analytical attention on the country’s Olympics performance(s) or whether you mean to use one or more of the events as more of a story-telling hook on which to hang your other points, you will want to cover some of the basics of the games for your chosen state: How did the athletic results affirm or implicate nationalist themes for the home audience? How about for the international audience? What kind of nationalist image does the country mean to project, in your estimation, in a given sport—or in all of them? Why does this country compete in the sports in which it was represented? Who gets to represent this state in these games? What has been the tenor of the domestic and international media coverage of the performance(s) or the run-up? Any interesting scandal that relates to nationalism, national identity, or national preferences? The theory piece Apply the framework or findings of at least one scholar to the nationalist display aspect of your country’s Olympics experience. Does it count as nationalism according to this theorist? What are the theoretical and practical implications, either way? The history piece How does the national history ramify in the state’s participation in this sport or the Games overall? Is there a relevant history to any of the athletes or teams? What about the history of this sport or these Games or athletic prowess overall in the country? How might any of our historical materials apply or how might any of our historians (to include, almost certainly, Mosse [hint, hint]) analyze or understand the piece? The political piece Is there a political aspect to any of the state’s athletes or teams? A re there internal or external political considerations that attach to this state’s participation? Are there internal or external political implications? Do NOT neglect regional and organizational politics!

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