Religious Studies and Theology: The Gospel of John is the most intimate account of the life of Jesus among the four Gospels.

PERSONAL CONVERSATIONS WITH JESUS ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The Gospel of John is the most intimate account of the life of Jesus among the four Gospels. John includes personal conversations that Jesus has with various individuals or groups of people. The purpose of this assignment is to examine many of these conversations to get a glimpse of who Jesus is and what the person (or people) He was talking to did because of the conversation held with Jesus. INSTRUCTIONS The paper must include the following requirements: 1. Choose any 10 chapters to read from the Gospel of John. 2. Find and locate every conversation that Jesus has in those 10 specific chapters. 3. Answer the following questions about all the conversations Jesus has with others in each of the chosen chapters from John’s Gospel (e.g., if a chapter has 3 different conversations in it, answer the questions for all 3 conversations from that chapter). Include the 5 questions and then the answers. Also include the reference information for each conversation (Ex.—John 3:1-6) 1. Who is Jesus talking to? 2. What is the subject of the conversation? 3. Does this conversation reveal something about the person (humanity/deity) of Jesus? If so, what specifically does it say? 4. What is the result of the conversation? (belief, rejection/unbelief, uncertainty, clarity, or some other result) 5. What is one practical truth that you can learn from this conversation (how can you apply this to your life)? 4. Submit the work according to the example below: John 1 : First conversation (John 1:15-20) Q#1 (write out the question and then the answer) Q#2 (write out the question and then the answer) Q #3 (write out the question and then the answer) Q #4 (write out the question and then the answer) Q #5 (write out the question and then the answer) Second conversation (John 1: 22-23) (if none then go the next chapter) Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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