Discuss the Advantages and disadvantages of e-learning in early years.

10 minutes oral presentation discussion and 15000 words essay about “To what extent does screen time influence social and emotional development in children aged 3-5 years?”1. Evidence a comprehensive and critical awareness of the existing knowledge base in the field of Childhood, Youth and Family Studies under investigation and of the relevant policy and theory frameworks as well as demonstrating an in-depth understanding of the methodological, socio-cultural and ethical complexities of conducting and interpreting social research within this field.2. Develop and conduct a small scale research study that provides an original investigation of an appropriate question observing the established protocols of social research conducted within these fields You are required to undertake the following: Preliminary literature review/readingAt the outset of your dissertation work you will identify an area that you wish to investigate. It may be that your interest is rather general or you may already have some quite specific questions. Either way, you will need to read around your area in some depth. The purpose of preliminary reading is twofold. First, so that you can be confident that you know the current state of the literature, and, secondly, because it will help you to pinpoint exactly what you want to look at, and possibly give you some ideas about how. At this stage it is very important to find a way that works for you to keep track of all the things that you have read: keep full reference details and notes about anything that might be important for your study. It is anticipated that you will undertake and report on a systematic (in the sense of robust, comprehensive and with a transparent methodology) search for literature that is central to your primary research question. Theoretical frameworkWhatever your question is, it is important to consider and discuss the theoretical/philosophical context of the topic and your approach to its investigation. Methodology and methodsThe rationale for the design of your study will need to be described in full and with reference to relevant methodological texts. This should include a discussion of your approach to sampling, data collection and data analysis. Data collectionThe way in which you elect to gather data and how much you collect will be determined in large part by your research question, your access to participants and the sort of analysis you plan to undertake. These are issues that need to be discussed with your supervisor. Conclusions and implicationsIt is important in your concluding chapter to revisit the original research question and consider the direction and strength of your findings with reference to this. You should not introduce new material at this point. It is also important to consider the limitations of the research. It is expected that the studies undertaken by students will result in evidence-based conclusions and implications or recommendations for policy and practice (where the data allow) and for future research. This is a literature reviewed dissertation and please use qualitative data and a thematic analysis.MUST: use academic books, peer reviewed journals. You’ve got a sample of a dissertation to look at in terms of structure. Thank you

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