Identify 1 or 2 predominant cultures represented from your family background.

1. Identify 1 or 2 predominant cultures represented from your family background. You may
describe your culture(s) by discussing the following: (approximately 750 words)
• Personal background and identity (your background may include a single heritage or
multiple heritages (e.g., multiracial, multiethnic); you may choose to include information
about one or all; include the ones that have had the most influence if not all).
• When and how did you first become aware of your cultural background, and how did you
respond to this (e.g., your specific group(s) and its impact on you of this awareness of
being part of a specific or multiple groups)?
• Prominent customs, practices, values, and behaviors to your family’s background
(communication patterns, gender roles, marital roles, educational and vocational
pursuits). The McGoldrick et al. (2005) textbook is a strongly recommended source.
• Influence of cultural background on spirituality and/or religion as appropriate.
• Information about your family’s cultural background not previously known (new
2. Describe similarities and differences between your family of origin and other cultures whom
you have encountered in the country/region where you grew up. Include a discussion of the
positive AND negative experiences between you and the other cultures (approximately 250
3. Provide a clear and in-depth exploration of how your research and knowledge gained about
your family’s cultural background influences your perspective on the importance
racial/cultural identity development for other individuals. As part of your narrative,
integrate information from at least one model from the chapter titled “Cultural Identity
Development” (chapter 2) of Hays/Erford into your response (approximately 500 words).
4. Provide a clear and in-depth exploration of how your research and knowledge gained about
your family’s cultural background shapes your view of conducting social justice and client
advocacy for others (approximately 500 words)
Scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources are required and must be published within the last 5
years. A minimum of five scholarly (5) sources are required for this assignment, and you
are welcome to use more as needed in your research.
• Acceptable scholarly sources include journal articles, scholarly websites, relevant
chapters from the McGoldrick et al. supplemental e-book. (E-book link for McGoldrick
et al. located in syllabus.) NOTE: The Hays and Erford can be used as one of required
• In addition to the five (5) scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources, a minimum of two (2)
Internet/media sources related to your culture should be utilized. These can include (but
not limited to) periodical websites (newspapers, magazine) and organizational websites.
(Online journal databases would be scholarly sources and not internet/media sources.)
• First person may be used in this paper.
• For clarification, the Cultural Background Paper is not a focus on your family
history, family genealogy, or family biography, but rather a focus on your cultural
identity as it relates to the questions you will address in the assignment.

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