Human service professionals should be conscious about how their appearance and attitude can affect clients. Discuss things in a helper’s style of dress and attitude that a client would find offensive or startling.

Critical Thinking Discussion Question. Select 1 (ONE) of the following Critical Thinking Discussion Questions (CTDQ). You are a Human Services Professional at a selected Agency (mental health agency, substance abuse agency, school, etc.) discuss how you would respond below. Remember to be analytical and critically reflective, note the ethical dilemmas, concerns/issues, and demonstrate your knowledge/understanding of cultural competence and multicultural helping.

1. Human service professionals should be conscious about how their appearance and attitude can affect clients. Discuss things in a helper’s style of dress and attitude that a client would find offensive or startling.
2. A professional disclosure statement ensures that clients feel welcomed in the helping relationship, are knowledgeable about what is to occur, and understand the process of such a relationship. Using information from Chapter 3 of the textbook, develop your own/a sample professional disclosure statement. & indicate any sample points.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS must be completed in the Discussion Board and should be at least ONE (1) WORD DOCUMENT page in length (see Discussion Board instructions). Students must support their responses using information from the readings and other resources. Provide in text citations in APA format (see APA example or visit the college library), even if you are paraphrasing. Example: Selvester & Myers (2024) contends that mental health is a significant global issue (pg. 18). Do not summarize the textbook. Analysis, synthesis and evaluation are expected in your responses. Review Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Text Book: Skills and Techniques for Human Service Professionals
Section I: The CounselingEnvironment25Reflection Exercise 2.6: What Are You Wearing?Find four other students in class who you don’t know well and join them in a small group. Based on what the other students are wearing, write down your initial impressions of each ofthem. When each student finisheswriting, place your responsesto each person in a pile that represents that person you just wrote about. Then, one member shouldpick up one of the piles and read the responses out loud to the group. Whoever is being read about should sit quietly. When all the response are finished, that person can respond by either agreeing or disagreeing to group members’ conclusions. Then, do the same for each other group member. Were initial impressions of group members, which were mostly based on dress, accurate? Why or why not? What implications does this exercise have for what one wears?Alternative exercise:Instead of gathering in small groups, the instructor can find pictures of people online in various attires, and students can discuss their ideas about how each picture would elicit positive or negative responses by clients.Attire or DressHow the helper dresses can project an image to the client that the helper wants to listen to and assist the client,or it can shut the client down (Segalet al.,2011). Should jeans be worn at work? What about an expensive suit? Are the helper’s clothes revealing? What does jewelry or hair style say about the helper? Are shoes nicely polished or scuffed? Are sneakers okay to wear? Are clothes tucked in neatly or falling out all over the place? Is it okay to have piercings, tattoos, tattered clothes, and so forth?Human service professionals should be conscious about how their appearance will affect clients. Is there anything in the helper’s style of dress that a client would find offensive or startling? They should always keep in mind that how the client perceives them is part of the helpful environment they are trying to create.Also important in determining how to dress is whether the agency has a covert or overt dress code. If the agency has a written dress code, helpers should certainly observe it. However, rather than agencies having written rules, agencyemployees have often establisheda de facto code; that is, certain styles are more or less expected. If most people in the agency wear jackets, ties, and business suits, a helper would appear out of place in jeans, and vice versa. Reflection Exercise 2.6 further explores the role that dress plays in working with clients

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