How do you compare descriptive and inferential statistics?

As a DNP, it is important to know the type of statistics utilized in the study under investigation. Prepare a question-guided essay with the following questions: What is the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics? What is the purpose of a descriptive analysis of the study population? How do you compare descriptive and inferential statistics? Include a Venn Diagram in your essay where an explanation of the differences and similarities between descriptive and inferential statistics is shown. Use an Essay Format You must present your writing double-spaced, in a Times New Roman, Arial or Courier New font, with a font size of 12. Pay attention to grammar rules (spelling and syntax). Your work must be original and must not contain material copied from books or the internet. When citing the work of other authors, include citations and references using APA style to respect their intellectual property and avoid plagiarism. Remember that your writing must have a header or a cover page that includes the name of the institution, the program, the course code, the title of the activity, your name and student number, and the assignment’s due date. Essay Front Page.png

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