Online Learning – Social Presence Theory : A Study of How Belonging Impacts Student Satisfaction in Online Learning.

Hello Writer 391276777. You completed the Theoretical Framework (TF) for me and I really like the voice with which you wrote. Another writer began Chapter 2 of the Dissertation for me and I would like a complete Chapter 2 combining the TF & a review of literature etc. . Please review the sections for chapter 2 (attached) to determine what else might be needed, what can be tossed from the first writeup by the other writer etc. I REALLY just want a complete, concise, Chapter 2 .
>>>Missing From the Discussion thus far are: Students’ Perception of Online Learning in terms of social presence and perception of self in relation to the online learning environment.
>>>Also missing, is a discussion comparing and contrasting EITHER the earlier online learning models/programs at other colleges/universities OR compare and contrast of 3 other law schools’ online model. (The data for this study will focus on students from a law school on the northeast coast, fyi).
>>Missing is a discussion about spirituality, what it is and how it is derived. How spirituality might impact learning/education. Because this is the lit review, perhaps, a review of literature pertaining to studies on spirituality and education or just spirituality itself? (You decide what might be most fitting for this paper)

This paper will examine online learning and the concept of social presence (social presence theory). The law school has 1 in-person immersion each term (there are 4 terms in the academic year) where online students re invited on campus for 3 days. I plan to administer research questions to the online students that attend the in-person immersion. Besides the immersive 3 days, the program is fully (100%) online.

The conceptual model or drawing for this study is X=Belonging, Y=Student Satisfaction in Online Learning, M1 (or mediating variable) = Spirituality.

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