Discuss how the mode of persuasion being used is effective for either the intended audience of the advertisement OR effective in conveying the message/purpose of the advertisement.

Part 1
Select ONE of the Advertisement Options in the Ads for the Module 1 Discussion PDF provided for you in this module.

Part 2
Copy (Ctrl C) and paste (Ctrl V) or take a screenshot of the advertisement you choose and paste it into the posting box. If you have trouble pasting the image, try attaching it to your post, or save it to your computer and use the “Insert Image” button under the advanced HTML tools.

Part 3
After the image of the advertisement, compose your rhetorical analysis under the image using the following steps:

Compose a summary of “what” you see in the advertisement, being careful to describe the setting, characters, colors, written text, etc. Imagine you are describing what you see to a friend who cannot see it. Your summary should be no less than six sentences (roughly 60-70 words).
Identify the primary mode of persuasion being used in the advertisement (ethos, logos, pathos) and discuss “how” that mode is being presented to the viewer. For example, if the author uses a pathos appeal, how is it conveyed to the viewer? Did the author accomplish this through imagery, diction, setting, etc.? Your analysis should be no less than six sentences (roughly 60-70 words).
Discuss how the mode of persuasion being used is effective for either the intended audience of the advertisement OR effective in conveying the message/purpose of the advertisement. Your discussion should be no less than five sentences (roughly 50-60 words).
This is the text on Ad attached
Text: There’s no such thing as a female athlete: You’re either an athlete or you’re not. You either want to get
better or you don’t. Female is just a word meant to set an expectation. And you’re not about to do anything
anyone expects. Under Armour: Woman up.

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