What laws now being proposed could affect marketing strategy and tactics for the brand?

This is one part of a huge marketing report on the company Starbucks. For this particular section, I am focusing on the Political/Legal environment of the company. The requirements that must be answered and included in the report are the following: 1. What laws now being proposed could affect marketing strategy and tactics for the brand? (Think about the areas of product safety, advertising, or price control, as examples.) 2. What federal, state, or local agency actions should be watched? 3. Has your brand been affected (directly or indirectly) by fears of terrorism, or by the recent outbreak of corporate bankruptcies and fraud allegations? 4. How do you think these trends will affect your brand? Why do you think they will affect the brand? Support your position with data. 5. What actions has the company been taking in response to these developments and trends? Do you think these were the right actions or response? Why or why not? 6. Given these trends, what should the company do and/or be thinking about going forward? Make specific recommendations. For formatting it needs to be in a 12-point sans serif font (e.g., Ariel) and is double-spaced. For question 4 (How do you think these trends will affect your brand? Why do you think they will affect the brand? Support your position with data), to show the trends a visual representation should be included in some way to strengthen the argument. This section of the report needs to be a little more than a page long for me to meet the end requirement of 20-pages for my entire project. There also needs to be proper in-text citations in APA format included in the report.

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