What is Education For?

As you craft your thematic notes/papers, consider engaging with the “big questions” posted in the relevant weekly module(s).


Notetaking is intended to facilitate active reading/listening and comprehension.
Notes should be submitted as a word document using any of the following formats: bullets, outline, or free-write. Student notes may include the following: important quotes (use quotation marks around direct quotes), summaries of the main points, personal reactions, or questions.
Notes must clearly incorporate ALL assigned materials for that theme (including videos, podcasts, and readings).
You must have at least three bullets/notes for each assigned material.

Reflection Paper:

Reflection papers on a Theme should clearly draw from one or more of the central issues addressed in the materials for that Theme, then expand on and make connections through personal reflection, wonderings, and imagining.
Suggested prompts are available for each Theme in the weekly modules and/or Weekly Video.
Students must cite at least two of the course materials assigned for the Theme.
Reflection papers should be submitted in APA format, double spaced, with one-inch margins, and Times New Roman (or Arial), size 12 font.
The body of the text should be at least one page long, but no longer than two pages (this does not include title page or references).
Students are discouraged from incorporating direct quotes from the course materials that are more than 20 words long.
Review this example word document in APA format to help you format your Reflection.

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