Research Procedures, Research Question, Methodology, and Data Collection Plan .

Module 3 Application Action Research Proposal Paper Part III: Research Procedures, Research Question, Methodology, and Data Collection Plan The methodology of an action research proposal determines the type of data you will collect and how you will analyze the data. Your research design is action research. Based on your problem, purpose, and the narrowed research question, you will decide whether the methodology will be quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods. In this assignment, you will add to your action research proposal paper by selecting a single narrowed research question from the three questions you wrote in Module 1, the research method for your action research design, the population impacted, and the workplace setting (pseudonym). Then, you will develop a detailed data collection plan appropriate to the selected methodology. You will compose the Module 3 sections from the Action Research Proposal Paper Template. You are not collecting actual data or implementing the action plan for this course. Instead, you are only planning for data collection and proposing an action plan without implementing it. Step 1 Review your instructor’s feedback on your paper’s progress in the Module 2 assignment. If needed, adjust your work before adding to your paper. Step 2 Review the required readings and the following resources to learn about research procedures, methodology, action research design, and data collection and analysis strategies. Step 3 Brainstorm for the parts of your action research paper you will write. First, narrow your research questions to a single question to guide the action research. Example: How will _____ improve _____? Select the methodology best aligned with your action research proposal. Is the answer to your research question best found in numbers/statistics (quantitative), words (qualitative), or a combination (mixed methods)? Then, use the following questions to think through your data collection plan: Based on your research question, what do you want to find out? Do you need numerical/statistical data to answer the question (quantitative), or do you need people’s perceptions and experiences (qualitative)? Or do you need both kinds of data (mixed methods)? Will you use existing data or new data? What tools will you use to collect your data (e.g., surveys, structured interview protocols, archival or electronic documents, assignment rubrics)? How will the data help you answer the research question? Step 4 Compose the new sections of your APA-formatted paper. Use the bracketed text from the paper template to prompt your writing. Include evidence to support your paragraphs, building upon your reference page for new in-text citations. Under the Research Procedures Level 1 heading, compose a 1- to 2-paragraph introduction to the research procedures by restating the study purpose, identifying the research study method, and justifying the methodology and action research design as supported by experts in the field. Beneath the Research Question Level 1 heading, select and refine one research question to guide the action research proposal and study. Justify the questions wording and how it will drive desirable action research outcomes. Compose a 1- to 2-paragraph introduction to the methodology under the Level 1 heading titled Methodology. Select the methodology to best help you achieve the purpose and answer the research question in your action research proposal. Under the Population and Sample Level 2 heading, identify the target population most impacted by the problem and the school setting. Identify the sample you would use for the action research and how you would choose the sample from the population. Compile your Data Collection Plan beneath the Level 1 heading. Create Level 2 headings for each of your three data sources and instruments appropriate to the methodology and design.

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