Digital research poster-marketing dynamics of chosen organization.

Equivalent to 3000 words. Students are required to produce an A2-sized, infographic/digital research poster as guided by the lecturer, for an organisation of their choicehighlighting their findings of the key marketing dynamics for the chosen organisation.The infographic/poster should include but not be limited to:• An audit of both the internal and external marketing environment (LO1) (20%)• A perceptual map that defines the organisation’s market position in relation toits competitors (LO1) (10%)• Definition of one market segment that the organisation is currently targetingusing appropriate segmentation variables (LO2) (20%)• Outline customer persona for one identified target segment that outlines theircharacteristics and buying behaviour (LO2) (20%)• An outline of the organisation’s current marketing mix (LO3) (20%)• Summary confirming the skills required to operate within a marketingdepartment (LO4) (10%

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