Areas for Improvement:1. Theoretical Framework: While you mention stakeholder theory and environmental justice, it’s crucial to elaborate on how you will apply these frameworks to your research. Explain how these theories will guide your analysis and interpretation of findings.2. Research Questions and Objectives: The research objectives are clear but refining them should be considered to align more closely with the overarching research question. Ensure that each objective directly contributes to answering the main research question.3. Literature Review Depth: While the preliminary review is solid, you’ll need to expand on the literature review to provide a more comprehensive overview of the field. Focus on identifying critical studies, theoretical frameworks, and empirical findings directly related to your research question.4. Methodology Rigor: While secondary data analysis is appropriate, consider how you will ensure the quality and reliability of the data you collect. Discuss your criteria for selecting sources and how you will assess the credibility of the information.5. Ethical Considerations: While you mention ethical considerations briefly, it’s essential to provide a more detailed discussion of the moral implications of your research. This includes addressing potential biases, conflicts of interest, and how you will protect participant confidentiality (if applicable).Suggestions:• Refine Research Questions and Objectives: Clearly articulate how each research objective contributes to answering the main research question. Consider rephrasing objectives to be more specific and measurable.• Deepen Literature Review: Expand on the literature review by incorporating a more comprehensive range of studies, including those from different disciplines (e.g., sociology, political science). Pay particular attention to studies that have examined similar issues in other contexts.• Strengthen Theoretical Framework: Provide a more detailed explanation of how stakeholder theory and environmental justice will be applied to your research. Discuss the key concepts and propositions from these theories that will guide your analysis.• Enhance Methodology: Clearly outline the specific data sources for your secondary data analysis. Explain how to select and analyze the data to address your research questions.• Address Ethical Considerations: Provide a detailed discussion of the ethical implications of your research. This should include a plan for addressing potential biases and conflicts of interest and protecting participant confidentiality (if applicable). Further;Research Questions and Objectives• Clarify and refine the research questions to ensure they are focused and answerable.• Align research objectives directly with the research questions to demonstrate how each objective contributes to answering the main question.Theoretical Framework• Please elaborate on the chosen theories (stakeholder theory and environmental justice) and explain how they relate to your research.• Discuss key concepts and propositions from these theories that will guide your analysis.Methodology• Strengthen the justification for using a qualitative research methodology and secondary data analysis.• Provide more details about data collection and analysis procedures, including specific sources and methods for assessing data quality.• Address ethical considerations in detail, including potential biases, conflicts of interest, and plans for protecting participant confidentiality (if applicable).Research Limitations• Identify potential limitations that could affect the research’s validity and reliability.• Discuss strategies for mitigating these limitations to enhance the study’s credibility.Significance of the Study• Clearly articulate the potential contributions of your research to the field of study.• Explain how your findings can inform policy, practice, or future research. Please consider the feedback and apply yourself to it.

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