Demonstrate your knowledge and perspective of SRL thus far and will then be used to build on your learning thereafter.

#1. Philosophy of Self-Regulated Learning (20%)

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your knowledge and perspective of SRL thus far and will then be used to build on your learning thereafter. This assignment is aligned with the Learning Categories of the Achievement Chart of Ontario (pp.20-21) outlined in the Growing Success document. They are as follows:

Knowledge and Understanding – Subject-specific content acquired about SRL, and the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding).
Reflect: What do you know and understand about SRL? Explain

Thinking and Investigation – The use of critical and creative thinking skills and inquiry and problem-solving skills and/or processes.
Reflect: What questions/ideas or queries do you have about SRL? What analysis and/or interpretation do you have about SRL? What critique can you offer? Can you identify any biases with SRL? Explain. What is your overall synthesis of SRL?

Communication – The conveying of meaning through various forms.
Your objective is to create a concise and clear 2-to-3-page single-spaced written document to communicate your philosophy. A minimum of 5 references must be included to support your opinions/ideas about SRL.

Application – The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts.
Reflect: How will you apply your perspective of SRL in your classroom? And why? What will you need to consider implementing SRL in your class? Explain.

As part of this assessment, you will receive thought-provoking feedback about your philosophy to help expand your thinking. You will address this feedback in your SRL learning, unlearning, and relearning for your #4 assignment: Culminating SRL video.

Assignment Expectations/Criteria:

Your Philosophy should be 2-3 pages single space.
It should address but not be limited to the following reflection questions above
Include at least 5 resources and references using APA 7.

For your knowledge, use the links below HOWEVER, you CANNOT use these as a part of your references.
1. The role of self efficacy in goal based motivation (written by: albert bandura)
2. The Educational Psychology of Self-Regulation: A Conceptual and Critical Analysis (written by: Jack Martin Æ Ann-Marie McLellan)
3. A review of self regulated learning: six modules and four directions for research (written by: ernesto panadero)
4. Critical Pedagogy and Neoliberalism: Concerns with Teaching Self-Regulated Learning
(written by: Stephen Vassallo)